Friday, February 25, 2011

Why I Don't Get My Flying Car

A number of you have discussed with me the fact that so many of us born in the fifties grew up assuming that we would have flying cars when we got old enough. Many of the science fiction stories we read in the fifties and sixties have come true: traveling in space (see previous post), moving holograms, robotic hummingbird spy.   It just seemed really obvious that a flying car would come along. It would save all the money on resurfacing the road, and no traffic jams because the cars could be stacked several layers deep. Well, today's strip from my favorite webcomic XKCD: A Webcomic of Romance, Sarcasm, Math, and Language (3 of my favorite things) explains why we don't have them yet.

They must know my friend Mary. Angry Birds would be her downfall.

I would recommend XKCD wholeheartedly if you have not gotten into it yet.  Although some of the strips are R rated, they are always clever and thought-provoking.  It includes the following warning:

Warning: this comic occasionally contains strong language (which may be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable for adults), and advanced mathematics (which may be unsuitable for liberal-arts majors).

They are clearly high level math/computer geeks with surprisingly good language skills.

Every so often they do a large comic that is brilliant: take a look at this online communities map.  I hope you enjoy it.  It's a good thing they don't make t-shirts in my size. My Amazon wishlist would be huge.

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