Friday, January 28, 2011


When the Lighthall, Robinson, Armstrong party of 6 (and more as the kids started coming along) would go camping in Wisconsin, we were always on the lookout for the new and the unusual.  Or what would in Wisconsin be the normal and the usual.  On one shopping trip, we stopped at a small store near the campgrounds looking for all sorts of things.  We were informed that they only sold staples: beer, ice cream, and firewood.  My years of playing Oregon Trail had led me to believe that staples were things like sugar, flour, corn meal, beans, bacon, and salt.  It was nice to see that our neighbors to the north had outgrown those useless lists and substituted supplies that were truly indispensable: beer, ice cream, and firewood. I thought that was probably the best list I would see, but I was wrong.  The sign I found two weeks ago has become the new winner!

Hooray for beer! Do you think the first two are generally sold together?  It would probably be a good idea if the wedding gowns had a 20 day waiting period like the guns do. The first grade teachers would be a lot happier that way.  I'm just saying.


  1. I like to think they are ordered as a timeline. Event with guns leads to wedding leads to cold beer.

  2. Mary agrees with Mike but thinks the order goes the other way: first the beer, then the weeding gown, then the guns. Goes along with the (modified) jingle on TV - Every kiss begins with Miller.
