Saturday, January 29, 2011

It's Close to Movie Time

For those of you who participated in Marshmallow Fight's top 25 song list (here's mine and might I add any list that has Styx and Aaron Copland next to each other is a winner), you know the drill.  This time you need to pick your top 10 movies of all time.  You may use your own criteria for this but remember, not all of us are film critics.  We don't really care that the cinematography was outstanding, or that it made good use of location shots.  Sometimes a movie is in our top ten because of who we saw it with, or what our life was like at the time we saw it.  As an example, here is a trailer from Matinee with John Goodman as a horror film producer.  Every time I think of this movie I smile. That's enough to put it on my list.

I'm thinking I'll include a favorite line or two from each movie  in the list because we love remembering them when we are in the midst of something.  It's hard when the waitress comes to get our drink order not to go "Orange whip, orange whip, orange whip?" And you can always get a laugh from the kids when you mention "Don't cross the streams!"  And a superintendent I know is especially fond of saying "Work, work, work" at just the right time.   From Matinee, the obligatory Army general is watching the creature climb a building and he shouts "What do you call that thing?" and the creature's former girl friend standing right next to the general says, "Bill." That's enough to make it a top ten in my book. 

Start getting your list together.  Either Nate or I will do the processing - this time around he has a job and I have all the free time so I will probably help.  And no sitting out this time, Ann and Mary.  Everybody reading this blog is welcome to join in.  There will probably be some people posting you don't know, but none of us have too many friends (even you, Bill), so meeting someone new is a good thing. 


  1. I can't wait to get started on this-Marshmallow Fight has been dormant for far too long. Expect my list shortly, Padre.

  2. So are these lists going here, are we emailing them to you or nate, hows this working?
