Monday, January 16, 2012

If I Had Daughters Instead of Sons...

I think I might have baked unicorn poop cookies for them.  From a website called "Instructables", which advertises "Share what you make!" comes the recipe for unicorn poop cookies.  You start with a basic sugar cookie recipe, separate into 4 or 5 containers and food color them. After they have been in the freezer a while, they are ready to be rolled out into snakes.   

Next step is to roll the differently colored snakes together and twist them to create a braid, then spiral them around to form a round cookie.    

Bake, and then you can start decorating them. First install multi-colored dragees (like these you can buy online at The Bakers Shop).    

Then you cover them with (are you ready for this) Glitter Gel, Stars, and Disco Dust - which luckily are all available online. When you are done, you will have a treat fit for a princess. Well, maybe not a Disney princess, but maybe Princess Oriana from the movie Felix the Cat.   

Of course, they won't all look exactly the same, so some of the fun is in naming the various "cookies".   

Then, you leave them out under a bush for your daughters to find, while you are getting your story ready about how unicorns came to be and where they might be hiding. Remember, I'm the dad who told his sons there were exactly 365 stars in the sky, one for each day of the year. When they told me parents are your child's first teacher, I took it seriously. Not seriously enough to actually look stuff up, but I thought long and hard about each fact I invented for them.   

This may sound silly, but it worked for Santa and the Little Christmas Elf and Rudolph, and they are pretty silly, too (really, his nose glows red?), so who knows. Do you think if we wrote a picture book to go with these, we could sell them at Macy's? I need a hobby in my retirement - this could be just the ticket. Let me know what you think and if you want in on it. Investors are always welcome.  We could do PayPal, then your charge statement would read, "Investment - Unicorn Poop". How cool would that look on your tax return? They might audit you just to find out how they can get in on it too. I'm really starting to feel like Sam Walton II here.  


  1. The way my screen was, at first I thought there was only the first picture. Like unicorns just take really long monochromatic poops. Your way is probably better.

  2. Who would have thought that unicorns were the original poo balloons?
