Saturday, July 30, 2011

Grandpa's New Snack Buddy!

Let's give a big welcome to the newest member of the Armstrong family. Currently named "Girl Puppy" Armstrong, she was picked up today from the Huntley Animal House Shelter. She is 9 weeks old, a Labrador/Boxer mix (we think), and is the best little puppy you could imagine. Her main feature seems to be licking people, which prompted Tammy to suggest Aard-Bark. We are currently taking suggestions for names, so if you have a good name for a girl puppy (that rules out our favorite, "Barf Bag"), please submit it in the comments.    

I will probably be passing on more videos and pictures in the next few days. We have Mike to thank for pushing us to go get a dog soon, and Nathan to thank for coming out from Chicago to help us go look for dogs. He has graciously consented to stay over for a while tomorrow and babysit the new puppy while we go to the White Sox - Red Sox game with Bill and Dale. So thank you Nate and Mike for making this possible. And thank you Grandpa for beefing him up with snacks when we come down to visit at the end of August. I'm sure she will be very happy to sit and watch you play Solitaire on the computer if there are Twizzlers involved.    

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