Sunday, March 3, 2013

Week 2 Almost Over

So, the morning after my hip replacement surgery, the surgeon stops by to see how I'm doing and gives me an x-ray picture of my new hip.   

I half expected him to give me the old hip parts like they used to do at the car repair place, just so I knew he had done something. The bright shape on the left of the picture is my new ball and socket joint right hip, stainless steel, I think. You can see dimly on the right of the picture, my original left hip to compare it to. I still don't know if this thing will set off the scanners at the airport.  

Lots of milestones in days 7 through 13 after the surgery:  
Physical therapy moved from walker to cane and even some walking yesterday and today without a cane.  I waddle badly, but I'm getting stronger and steadier. And Whimzy is happier with no cane because Dad with a stick is pretty scary.
Sleeping on my side now instead of my back. The therapist had to show me how to get there, and there are more pillows involved than you would imagine. The two major hip precautions everybody keeps repeating are: i) the angle between your thigh and your upper body can never be less than 90 degrees, and ii) never cross your legs. So, when you sit, you have to lean back and you can't lean forward to reach for something.
Access to the desktop computer. I can sit in the office chair now without any problems getting up.
Able to get out of the house. Last night we went out to dinner with Mary and Dave. It was nice to be somewhere else.  I got around fine with my cane. Even better, it means I can go to my school board meeting Thursday. Ann will have to drive me, but that's not a problem.
Most importantly, I've been cleared to take showers again. That was a long ten days. Luckily, the incision looks fine and has healed over nicely.   
I still haven't tried to take the dog outside yet. Ann has been on dog patrol. I'm mostly worried about what Whimzy would do if we went out the door and there was a squirrel in the driveway. But we'll work on that this week. Plus 8 inches of snow forecast for Monday night and Tuesday will raise some issues about getting around to go to my meetings.    

Anyway, I'm making really good progress. Might be able to catch a Bulls game in late March after all. If I'm able to come back and watch, Derrick Rose should be able to play again, right?  

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