Thursday, December 8, 2011

Let's Get Demotivated

Somewhere in the last twenty years, it became fashionable to tell people that the reason for their lack of success was a lack of motivation. And that the best way to get that motivation was to see posters on the walls that encouraged you to be motivated. You've seen them. The idyllic poster with the forest scene telling you about dreams or achievement or teamwork. Here's one your boss hung up in your office area that he bought at framed for about $57.00.   

In small print, it says, "The best way to not fail is to determine to succeed." Isn't that a nice sentiment? Unfortunately, you end up working harder than ever, only to find the promotion went to the boss's nephew. That brings on a sense of failure that now makes it even harder to get motivated.  

Luckily, the people at Despair, Inc. have found a way to break that cycle. As they so proudly declare: 
At Despair, Inc., we believe it's time people face the truth - that any kind of motivation you can buy isn't worth owning, and in the end will produce even greater demoralization. Given that inevitable fact, we'd like to invite you to skip the delusions that motivational products induce and head straight for the disappointment that follows! 
Or if you want to see it as a poster:   

I had these hanging on one of my file cabinets at work for the last few years:  

And Scott and I agree on this poster about the workplace:   

So if you are having a hard time finding the right gift for that special someone for Christmas, may I suggest a (de)motivational poster. Especially for that special new person in your life. You know, you never get a second chance to make a good first impression. Wait, I think there's a poster in there somewhere.   

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