Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Timing is Everything

So Ann and I went to see Star Wars a second time yesterday and in the middle of the movie, we each needed to leave for a brief time to use the facilities. It wasn't a problem because it was our second time through the movie and we're pretty sure we didn't miss anything important, but I felt bad for the lady next to us who had to leave for a while because she didn't look like the type of person to see any movie twice. "My time is just too important." So it seemed serendipitous that the next day I run across an ad for an app on Itunes and Android Play called RunPee.

The app lists times to go to the bathroom during a movie without missing too much and a brief synopsis you can read in the bathroom to see what you are missing.

Here's the Avengers: Age of Ultron example given on the website -

You probably noticed it also tells you if there are any things worth hanging around for during the credits - a major deal in Marvel movies.

You probably wouldn't want to be opening the app during the movie, but you could look ahead of time to find opportune times to run out. We'll see how it works out this weekend when we go see the biggest blockbuster hit of 2016: Kung Fu Panda 3. Awesome!

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