Tuesday, March 6, 2012

You Have to take the Good With the Bad

Robert Sherman passed away Monday in London at the age of 86.  He and his brother, Richard, composed the songs for Disney favorites like The Aristocats, Mary Poppins, Jungle Book, and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. They learned the business from their father, Jay Sherman, a Tin Pan Alley composer who wrote "You've Got To Be a Football Hero". Born in New York City and raised in California, Robert developed a fondness for British characters while recuperating in a hospital in England near the end of World War 2. He also wrote this theme song:   


On the bad side, he wrote what would undoubtedly be considered by my friend Mary as the most EVIL song ever written. This clip runs almost ten minutes. It's a forty second song played over and over just like they do at Disney World. If you listen to the whole ten minutes without having a stroke, I'd say you will probably live forever. The words are here in case you've forgotten (like that's possible). When I call you tomorrow, you're going to yell at me that you can't get this song out of your head.  You're welcome.   


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