Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Something for the Kitties!

Mike and Tammy have a baby on the way and I know that people are thinking about things to get the baby, but they also have kitties and I know they will feel somewhat left out by the attention the new baby is getting, so I found some things I could get them so they would feel appreciated. Nate and Dana could use these as well, so I may be getting my Christmas shopping done early. 

First up, a chance for kitty to show off his/her creative side, the SUCK UK cat scratching DJ deck. You may have to buy your cat a baseball cap to wear while using this, but it seems a small price to pay to "hippify" your cat. I think the stickers are what make it especially cool.  

And for the cat on the go, what better way to get there than in a fire truck, also from SUCK UK:  

 Or maybe one of these playhouses expresses your inner kitty's dreams better:  

And for the cat who dreams of a galaxy far, far away, there are Yoda and Chewbacca chew toys. I'm sure they look better in person.  
So, let me know what the stylish kitty on your list needs the most to fulfill his dreams. I'm looking for the ice cream truck in a larger size for Whimzy to sleep out in the backyard this summer.   

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