Well, it's started officially.
Haven't gotten the bills yet, but probably closer to the $12,357.89 man. I wonder how Luke Skywalker or Alex Murphy reacted to a new limb. Mine is not quite as noticeable as a new hand, but it will definitely make my life different. In my case, Oscar Goldman in the voiceover says, "We can make him better, just a little better." Let's not get carried away here. I'm still going to walk poorly (the other hip and both knees are very arthritic. But I'm hoping to notice some difference in how well I get around. Maybe a few more walks with Whimzy and Ann, maybe more golf with Bill and Ed, more Portland donut shops with Mike and Tammy. Those are all major wins.
I read somewhere recently about retinal eye implants that are pretty cool. Would you sell out humanity to the machine overlords to be able to get rid of your glasses. Yeah, probably. My glasses slide down my face all the time. I'm really tired of that happening.
So, I'm in day five of the rehab, Surgery was Monday morning, I went home from the hospital on Wednesday, and it's now Friday. I get around with the walker pretty well. I do my exercises diligently (Michelle from PT comes tomorrow). On the down side, I am writing this now because I can't fall asleep. Too much leg twitching, and brain twitching, and irritation about having to sleep on my back. It's not a normal position. But it is my position for the next several weeks. Best go give it another try.
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