Well, this ends the week that wasn't. It started out nicely enough, with golf on Friday with some friends. It was hot and tiring, but a lot of fun. But by bedtime that night, the pain in my right knee was becoming pretty significant. Even with four advil at a time, the pain didn't go away. After four days of lying in bed or on the living room floor (the only position that didn't hurt was horizontal), I got in on Tuesday to see the doctor and then the orthopedist to find out that my knee was pretty much shot. Lots of arthritis, which means inflammation and not any squishy stuff that goes between the bones and keeps them from grinding on each other. I got a cortisone shot and some steroid pills to clear up the inflammation, a heavy-duty pain killer, and some brochures about the artificial knee I'm going to get. Pre-op appointment is in a couple of weeks. We'll find out then when the surgery will be. I'm excited about getting the knee fixed. I have been hobbling for the last few years now, so I am looking forward to being able to walk with Ann and Whimzy for more than a couple blocks before I have to sit and rest.
I finally went outside today for the first time since last Friday evening other than to go to the doctor's offices. Very nice to be out of the house and walking around without pain - the pain killers are great. The best images of the last week were the trips to the doctor. I couldn't sit up because it hurt too much to sit, so I curled up in a ball on the backseat of Ann's little Subaru and hung on while she drove me there.
I'll let you know what I find out. If you've done the knee replacement thing recently, let me know how it went.
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