What makes an infinite series interesting is that functions have infinite series representations. I don't know if you gave it any thought in your high school trig class, but when you typed sin (1) into your calculator, your calculator did a series to figure it out. My students always assumed that the calculator had a table to look up the values, but if you have done anything with computers, you know how much memory tables take up, A calculator would need to have tables that would include sin 1, sin 1.1, sin 1.11, sin 1.111, and so forth. That's a lot of values to remember. More importantly, there is the question of where do the values in the table come from.
Luckily the sine function has an infinite series:
Those exclamation points are factorials: 3! means 3 X 2 X 1 = 6; 5! means 5X4X3X2X1 = 120; 7! means 7 X 6 X 5 X 4 X 3 X 2 X 1= 5040, and so on.
So sin 1 = 1 - 1/6 + 1/120 - 1/5040 + 1/362880 - .... Your calculator just keeps adding terms following this pattern until it doesn't see any changes in the first twelve or so decimal places. Then it shows the answer as a decimal rounded to 8 decimal places (depending on your calculator). Instead of a table with lots and lots of values, it just needs to remember a formula.
If you have invented a fast new super-computer and you would like to compare its speed to the old ones, one way to do it is to use an infinite series to find pi to lots of decimal places. Yes, that's how someone figures out the first fifty digits of pi:
A really easy series to use is pi = 4/1 - 4/3 + 4/5 - 4/7 + 4/9 - 4/11 + ..., but this series converges pretty slowly, so it takes a lot of terms to get an accurate estimate for pi (90 terms just to get to 3.14). So over the years mathematicians have come up with more complicated infinite series to compute pi.
Using series and a little guidance, my calculus students would generate a surprising formula attributed to Leonhard Euler (pronounced Oiler), a highly regarded Swiss mathematician of the middle 1700's. A few days ahead of this, I would ask my students to list what they thought were the most important numbers that lay at the foundation of mathematics. Every year, the group would come up with the same five numbers 0, 1, pi, i (the imaginary unit - the square root of -1), and e (about 2.718 - the base of natural logarithms - a huge topic in calculus). Then we would derive Euler's formula using infinite series:
I love math lessons, even if I math at a remedial level. Thanks, Padre, for trying to keep me (math) literate.
ReplyDeleteI somehow made it all the way to AP calc without coming across a single factorial. I assume this is remarkable by the expressions my classmates gave me when I asked the teacher why he was so excited about the denominator.
ReplyDeleteI was going to make a joke about Indiana having a very simple series to approximate pi, but then Wikipedia informed me that that bill was never passed nor was that what it was about. Hooray! Although I would love your take on what on earth that whole thing was actually about, because I am now rather confused.
Cecil Adams in his column The Straight Dope talks about the Indiana bill here (http://www.straightdope.com/columns/read/805/did-a-state-legislature-once-pass-a-law-saying-pi-equals-3). According to him, the bill actually allows for several different values for pi (3.2, 4, and square root of 2 x 16/7) and explains that in the Indiana Senate, the bill was sent to the Committee on Temperance. Maybe someone knew that drinking had to be involved to come up with a bill like that.