I have been looking for a way to introduce you to a really funny blog called "The Bloggess". Subtitled "Like Mother Teresa, only better". Jenny Lawson is the author and she also writes a humor column called Good Mom/Bad Mom for the Houston Chronicle. She is an admittedly mentally ill person (depression and anxiety disorder) which sometimes gets in the way of her speaking schedule, but she is very edgy and candid in her posts. I will warn you ahead of time that if bad language bothers you, you should skip this post and wait for the next one, which will be much more mellow.
This was posted on her site this week:
Remember last week when I wrote about the sign I’d put up on my neighborhood bulletin board?
This one:
[NOTE: last comment says "This is why it's important to put collars on all of your pets."]
Well, I checked today to see if anyone else had responded to it, but IT WAS GONE. It had been taken down, presumably by someone who hates snake reunions and happy endings. It was disconcerting.
Luckily, I knew the perfect place to ask for help:
UPDATED: The missing sign lasted less than 24 hours before vanishing. It’s a losing battle, but it’s a losing battle I’m willing to fight. Mainly because I work from home and have an entire ream of copy paper at my disposal. I can do this all damn day, vandals.
[End of post]
Ann and I originally started reading this blog this summer when she posted about buying a huge metal chicken that she named Beyonce. You can read it here. (But this one is much more graphic.) If you can get past the language, you will laugh out loud.
I hope you enjoy this blog - it is all over the place with only one thing in common on each post - they are consistently funny.
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