Matt Spiegel of the morning show on WSCR 670 Chicago (The Score) has a blog post that depicts the upcoming series as the battle between the Death Star and the Rebel Alliance. It is worth the time to read it. Derrick Rose as the young Jedi MVP with Tom Thibodeau as Yoda. And including the sentence:
Omer Asik looks horrifyingly like a Tauntaun, the omnivorous reptomammal indigenous to the icy planet of Hoth.
On the Dark Side, James is chosen as Darth Vader, and "Dwyane Wade is Grand Moff Tarkin, the original commander of the Death Star, who enslaved others to work underneath him. He is destined to be destroyed by our young Jedi himself."
Probably the best choice is the identity of Chris Bosh, "You know, the guy I like to call “the coat-tail rider,” that whiny, screaming, fake tough guy with no business being in this position. Well, there is one character, in the entire Star Wars realm, near-universally hated and derided."

Yes, you guessed it, Chris Bosh is Jar Jar Binks.
We have tickets for Game 2 Wednesday night. Shoot me a text message during the game. I'll let you know how we're doing. Go Bulls.
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