For those of our friends out of the area, we have so far survived the blizzard of 2011. School was canceled for Ann, Nate's work was canceled, and everybody is going through the hard work of digging out.
Ann and I shoveled the 12 foot area nearest the garage (45 minutes to do 12 feet of a 60 foot driveway), then decided that we needed a break. Luckily our neighborhood entrepreneur Alonzo is out making money snow-blowing driveways and we are more than happy to pay him to finish up. He has been at it for an hour and a half so far and is almost finished.
The neighbor across the street is having a friend with a Bobcat do his driveway. The big problem is where to put the snow. The area between my driveway and my neighbor's driveway has enough snow that I can't see my neighbor's house anymore.

Ann is nervous about all the snow on the roof, but after a few attempts at knocking it down, we have pretty much given up. When my snow thrower comes back next week from the repair shop, I'll try to clear off the deck. Then we can reach the roof.
The driveway this morning had about 18 inches of snow in general with some areas up to 3 feet from the drifting. Considering I shoveled the driveway three times yesterday, about 2 inches each time, we probably got about 22 inches of snow. On the news, they are saying officially this has become the 3rd worst snowstorm since they started keeping statistics in the late 1800's.
For those of you in the path of the storm, leave a comment below to let me know how things are around your place. I think we are almost to the place where we can start to enjoy the snow.
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