I have been informed by the younger set that my social skills are lacking. For example, my text messages are too long, I don't need to put my name on them, and I'm spending too much time editing them and checking for spelling errors. And a few weeks ago, I had a former colleague who used the acronym BTW in a text message, then stopped to explain it to me, just in case I didn't know. I am having a hard time moving into the new era, where the ability to put together a coherent sentence is optional. In spite of my math background, I have always had a fascination about words and language. It may have rubbed off from my older brother who is in real life a highly thought of shakespearean scholar and dramaturg. And right now, most of my attention is drawn to the question of whether I should have capitalized "shakespearean". And whether the period in the last sentence should have gone inside the quotes. In my mind, there is no such thing as informal writing. If I am putting it on paper (or in electronic ink), it needs to be checked. That is not to mean that I get it right all the time. It just bothers me. I remember a bit by Jim Gaffigan where he is leaving a note for friend saying he will call tomorrow, but isn't sure how to spell tomorrow. He ends up changing it to next week just to avoid it.
Under design options for this blog, I have the possibility of putting a list of what I've been reading lately; but on further examination, the list will only contain URLs of blogs I read. I do read a number of blogs, but when someone asks me what I've been reading lately, I don't normally think of them first.
At least I've moved into the Kindle era this last year, so maybe I'm making progress. On the minus side, at least once a day, I still try to turn the page by hand before I remember it's a Kindle. I'll try harder.